JIN is a regional non-profit support group where inventors, marketers, and creative people come together to learn and network. It is a place to learn from each other’s successful, and sometimes not so successful, endeavors. Through networking, creative people will find that they are not alone, that many people understand their situation. JIN is also a resource center with ideas, books, website suggestions, and other information to assist people with their creative endeavors.
The group boasts many members that are inventors, some with patented products and some without. Also the group has professional members, marketers, business owners, and consultants, as well as others with individual skills to help take an idea to the marketplace.
JIN is a diverse group that welcomes anyone with creative interests. If you are an existing, longstanding business that has created a new product but is having difficulty with market penetration, JIN can help. If you just have a product or service idea and don’t have the slightest concept of what to do next, come on down! We may not have all the answers—maybe we can just provide a piece or two of the puzzle for you—but what have you got to lose?
We believe JIN can help foster and build a climate through which members can use their ideas to create tomorrow’s new businesses and new jobs. Entrepreneurialism is contagious and this group fosters that spirit.
JIN is a member of the United Inventors Association, a parent not for profit group formed in 1990 solely for educational purposes. Its mission is to support independent inventors and marketers. It does this through a monthly newsletter relating to events, news, innovation, and new product development as well as education about the processes involved and related services. The UIA is an affiliate of The Academy of Applied Science. Their web site is loaded with great information both about the group itself and inventing and marketing.