Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Agenda: 6:00–6:30 PM / Networking 6:30–8:00 PM / Program
Calvin Battles has been working for Jackson District Library for over 9 years and has the been the Adult Services Coordinator since 2017. He is born and raised in Jackson and returned home after getting a BS from Michigan State and an MLIS from Wayne State.

Calvin regularly works the Reference Desk at the Carnegie Branch, and helps people with a variety of issues including job searching, applying for benefits, and research of all shapes and sizes.
Calvin will show JIN Members how to navigate market research and analysis tools on both the Jackson District Library and Michigan Electronic Library websites.
Due to the COVID pandemic, JIN is currently hosting meetings on the ZOOM platform. Any device with internet or phone access can get you access to a Zoom meeting. Meeting ID and password will be e-mailed to all who RSVP.
PLEASE RSVP to Jon Roty @: roty1@sbcglobal.net